
How To Brush Your Hair In Royale High

Royale High Campus 2 (also known equally the Royale Loftier 2 realm or simply Campus ii, sometimes referred to as the Current Campus, and previously the New Campus) was released on June 4th, 2018. Players tin do various things on campus such equally attention grade to earn experience, earning diamonds, roleplaying with other players, sleeping, purchasing and eating food from the cafeteria, and attending the Dance. It was reworked partially on March one, 2022 as office of the Dewdrop Showers 2022 result, updating the terrain, flora, and decorations along with some of the layout, calculation loading screens, adjusting some of the classes for accessibility, and removing fixed diamond spawn locations in favor of randomized locations. The look of the diamonds have besides inverse during this event, to the shape of a centre, similar to the diamonds in Globe. diamonds are in 6 different colors; hot pink and pink (1 diamond) blueish (iii diamonds) greenish (5 diamonds) imperial (x diamonds) light yellow (twenty diamonds). On the sandy areas near the water you tin perchance notice vanquish shaped diamonds on the sand.

During Halloween 2018 effect, the castle was changed to match the season. During both the Christmas 2018 and 2019 events, the Castle was changed to an water ice castle for the winter flavour.



Royale High(New Campus) Dorms.png

The dorms are located on the third and quaternary floors of the campus. Players can claim dorms by pressing the "Motion In!" on the heart that is correct of the door. This feature locks out any unwanted visitors from the door. Inside each dorm, they have a kitchen/dining area, a TV with bean pocketbook chairs, a painting easel, a piano, a fireplace, a sunken living room, window seating, and doors leading to the two bedrooms.

Walking through the blue door, the bedroom consists of two floors. The beginning floor has a bookshelf, a desk, a chair, a laptop, an easel, and a ladder to the second flooring. The 2nd floor has a bed, a table, a chair, a side tabular array, some window seating, and a tall candelabra. Lighting consists of three string lights and 4 sconce lights. Another door establish on the second floor leads to one of the balconies outside of the schoolhouse.

Walking through the pink door, the bedroom is just on one floor with a lot more infinite than the blue bedroom. The sleeping room has two candelabras, two large chairs, ii side tables, two faux fur rugs, a desk, a chair, a laptop, a divider, standing tri-fold mirror, a bed, an ottaman, window seating, and a large plant. Lighting consists of a chandelier and four sconce lights. On the left side of the room, at that place is a staircase to a door that leads to ane of the balconies outside of the schoolhouse.


Located on the right side when inbound the school building, players can find the Castle Buffet. Information technology is a small cafe-like area with an ordering counter, snack pick-up, and various seating. Breakfast is served everyday from half-dozen AM to 7 AM, dejeuner existence served from 12PM to 1 PM, and snacks and drinks are served through any time of day outside the breakfast and lunch schedules. Price for the snacks cost from iii to 6 diamonds. Drinks cost betwixt 2 to 12 diamonds. Both breakfast and lunch toll betwixt 8 to 12 diamonds.

If the player purchases food during breakfast or lunch, they volition be given a repast ticket. Just way to claim the purchased food, the thespian must take their meal ticket to one of the BUTLER 3000 machines. Subsequently challenge their meal, the player can take the meal to an empty gilded circle placemat located anywhere in the school. Note that once the food is placed on a tabular array, it cannot be picked back up. In add-on, any thespian, not just the player who paid for information technology, can consume food that has been placed down on a table, as long as they are sitting in the seat in front of it.

Porcelain Thrones

The Porcelain Thrones are public bathrooms and spas that are mainly for roleplay purposes. They are divided between two bathrooms; one for princesses and i for princes. The bathrooms are accessed by the avatar bundle you employ, such equally using the Woman Package and trying to go to the Prince bathroom. Players volition hear "Access Granted" or "Access Denied", depending if they tried to enter either of the bathrooms with a sure avatar package. Both bathrooms share the same spa expanse.

Inside either of the bathrooms, there are toilet stalls, vanity sinks, hairbrushes, hairdryers, bunny slippers, shower rooms, towel racks, towel bin, washing machines, & dryers. The Princess Bath has a large dazzler lounge with makeup brushes, makeup palettes, tea station, and perfume. The Prince Bathroom is much smaller and has additional shower rooms. Both bathrooms have a staircase to the spa area.

If the player uses a hairdryer while the shower is actively running, they volition exist electrocuted. It will then remove the thespian's limbs and change their face to a shocked "Donald" face from Thomas & Friends.[1] To fix their avatar, the actor can only reset their avatar. Whenever the role player sleeps in the beds at the schoolhouse, their pilus will become messy. The way to fix their pilus is to utilize the hairbrush or accept a shower and use the conditioner.

Going inside the spa surface area, there are mud baths, a tea station, a bath, masks, chairs, and chocolate-covered strawberries. Players can also enter the mud bath, which it will comprehend their body. The style to remove it is either standing in an agile shower, stand in the bath, or resetting. If the histrion uses i of the four masks, they can remove it by getting a facial hot towel or resetting their avatar. They can also equip the cucumbers by the masks station, and remove them by clicking the trash tin by the station or resetting. The bath tin be change colors by throwing 1 of the three bathroom bombs in it, which information technology only lasts for a few seconds.

The Porcelain Thrones were not added until August 16th of 2018, more than a month after the Realm'south initial release contrary to the Prep Houses that were already in the Classic Campus upon release. This led to a flake of confusion prior to their announcement.

Pond Pool

Located behind the main school building, players tin can find the pond pool. 2 classes take place in this area, which they are Swimming and P.E. class. On the side of the school facing towards the pond puddle, there are lockers and bleachers. Around the pool are clam beds, diamonds, beach chairs, a span, lifeguard chairs, and diving boards. Players can as well find the mermaid grotto behind the waterfall to the puddle.

During the Christmas 2018 and 2019 events, there was a small igloo institute at the lesser of the puddle.

Mermaid Grotto

Located backside the middle waterfall at the swimming pool, players can notice a hush-hush mermaid grotto. Two beds for merpeople and 3 lockers are found in this expanse, along with some diamonds inside.


Lockers tin can be found scattered around the main schoolhouse edifice, most the pond pool, and within the mermaid grotto. They permit players to transfer items found within their inventory and put them in their locker, or vice versa. They tin be decorated by either purchasing inside contents and colors, though the player can paint their locker equally many times as they want when they have the Paintbrush Pass! gamepass. Books inside the locker go for most of the classes, except Swimming and P.E. class, which grants boosted experience for the "Book Check" in class.


Interior of the ballroom. Butlers tin be seen walking around.

The ballroom is merely open up from eight PM until 12 AM, which is when the Dance takes identify. In the room behind the doors to English and Reckoner classes, the ballroom entrance along with lockers and an unused recording studio can be found there. Information technology is possible for players to enter the ballroom earlier it officially starts, though the place will not spawn. The ballroom starts off with formal introductions, earlier allowing other players to go through the doors to the brawl. A grouping of Butlers can be found moving effectually the ballroom in a set AI pathing, and players can interact with them to go hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

During the dance, 2 players can partner up to play a DDR fashion dancing minigame. Finishing a level gives diamonds and the maximum dance level is Level 8. E'er since the Periodical update from June 17th, 2020, players can play the minigame alone by pressing the Ask to Trip the light fantastic toe push in their journal.

At nine:45 PM, a pop up volition appear on the histrion's screen asking if they want to run for Supreme Royalty. This will pause the minigame until Supreme Royalty has been announced. Then at 9:55 PM, players participating in Supreme Royalty will exist teleported to a stand on the upper floor. Players have two options to vote and 45 seconds to vote for people. A few in-game minutes afterwards, the curtains volition open and reveal the ii Supreme Royalties of the brawl sitting on two crystal thrones, at the lesser of the screen, one pink and ane blue text box will appear addressing the player's username of who won and their in game proper name. They volition both get 500 diamonds and a blue sash with the words "Supreme Royalty" on it.


Players can attend classes and pass them will give them experience which can level a thespian upward. Bringing the assigned textbook for some of the subjects gives boosted experience for leveling upwards in the class

At that place are a few changes from the classes between New Royale High Campus to the Classic Campus. The typing office for Computer has changed, the P.Eastward. runway class has changed, and Music class was removed altogether.


During Art class, players are teleported inside the fine art room. Afterward a few seconds, they volition be teleported to an easel and have to copy the painting shown on the big board in the front of the room. Paintings are graded past how much was accurate and the time completed. If the player finishes earlier the timer, they are allowed to paint whatever they want.

The Fine art form was broken in 2020, which makes painting an easel harder since it displays information technology as bare with many names overlapping each other. Only way for the thespian to receive an A is to bring the paintbrush book. This was fixed subsequently in 2021. It was further updated on March one, 2022 to fix many bugs and errors, forth with calculation numbers for accessibility.


During Chemistry class, players will be teleported inside the chemical science room. They are given a pocket-size time frame to either choose a seat abroad from the primary seats with a flask or let information technology choose a seat with a flask. The HUD at the top of the actor's screen will testify a sequence of colored flasks, and the players take to replicate the correct set of flasks. Declining to put the right colored flasks in club or taking too long will drop the actor into the water. To obtain a better class, the player has to put the colored flasks in the correct club and exist faster than their peers. Information technology was updated on March one, 2022 to take new potion icons that accept different shapes (instead of just different colors) for accessibility.


During Blistering class, players are teleported inside the Bakery and they can select a blistering station. Players receive a grade depending how much of the baking process is complete. During the blistering process, players can choose the cupcake name, flavor, liners, frosting, and toppings. Subsequently the player finishes making cupcakes, they can give to other players or themselves when holding the cupcake pan.


During Computer grade, players are teleported inside the library. The HUD on the upper function of their screen will generate randomly selected letters, which the player has to printing each letter inside 90 seconds. Above all the participating players' heads, there is a count on how many letters the histrion has pressed. Grading system then compares every participant's score to the highest scorer, instead of a set up range where players need to achieve a sure score.

English language

During English class, players are teleported inside the Lecture Hall. The large lath displays various spelling-related questions, forth with four answers. Players must select the correct answer earlier the time runs out. They will briefly have either the grades displaying A when they become an answer correct, or F when they go an answer wrong. The final grade will be graded by the number of questions they got correct.


During pond grade, players are teleported to the pond puddle before getting placed on 1 of the wipeout platforms. Players have to spring over a moving pole and they will be graded on how many times they fall into the water. Less times the player falls into the water, the higher their grade will exist.


During P.Eastward., players are teleported to ane side of the bridge over the puddle before getting teleported to another platform. Players so have to await three seconds before they are allowed to move effectually. Jumping down from the platform, players take to swim out of the h2o and so avoid the moving pole. Then they take to jump on platforms to get over to the ladder. After climbing up the ladder, players and then have to jump over beams while on a fast moving rail. Finishing the form, the player flies through the rings to the lighthouse and rings the bong. Players will receive an A later on completing the course, otherwise they will receive an F no matter how shut they were to finishing.



  1. Flavor 6 "Twin Trouble" accessible at


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